
I grew up in a suburban town outside of Lansing, Michigan, and attended Kalamazoo College. Although I majored in sociology and anthropology, I was most often found in the darkroom or art studio.

In 2007, I studied abroad in Kolkata, India and for the first time, my interest in culture met my love for creativity. My relationship to both deepened.

Photography is a way to observe and connect with unfamiliar surroundings - it allows me to examine the gaps between cultures and helps me find ways in which our humanness bridge those gaps. I further develop these visual narratives through my drawings. 

After college, I taught English in a small fishing village in Ehime, Japan. I lived along the 88 Temple Pilgrimage route and grew increasingly interested in the pilgrims and their stories. In the fall of 2012, and again in 2013, I bicycled the 1,000 mile route. These treks resulted in Temple by Temple, an illustrated book about the journey which was funded through Kickstarter.

I continue to travel and my creative through various illustration, photography and video production projects.